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10 Tips to Release Spring Pressure - Part 2

How has the last week gone? Were you able to implement any of the tips suggested to help alleviate feeling like a firefighter? As promised, here are a few more from Bruce Wilson of the Wilson-Oyler Group:

  1. Delegate. Take a look at your to do lists and identify what can be done by others. It may take them a little longer than it would you, but that’s okay. It’s better if a job takes a little more time and gets completed, than to not get done at all because you’ve run out of time. You can’t do it all, delegate to your staff.
  2. Slower can be faster. Sometimes you go so fast trying to keep up that you lose sight of the big picture. Prioritize so you don’t miss what’s important.  
  3. If your crews are scheduled to work in inclement weather make sure scheduled tasks can be done effectively in the rain.
  4. Rely on your team. When you start falling behind, don’t be afraid to ask for help .Senior managers are there to help you be successful. 
  5. Important, not urgent, things usually have the most impact on your company. Look at a problem to understand why it occurred to prevent it from happening again. If you discover a disproportionate amount of urgent tasks, it could require a process change or training to regain equilibrium. 

To read the full article click HERE

Let me know how the past few weeks have gone. If you’re struggling to implement some of these ideas, book a free call and let's chat. 


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