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Book of the month: Living Forward

Living Forward: A Proven Plan to Stop Drifting and Get the Life You Want by Michael Hyatt & Daniel Harkavy, is a book about living on purpose. It’s about making a plan for what you want your life to look like instead of drifting through life in reaction mode.

The average person spends 5 hours researching and shopping for a new car. The average bride-to-be spends 40 days planning a three-hour wedding. However, the average person never spends 1 day planning his or her life.”

Growth and development as a business owner is crucial because success doesn’t just happen. It takes time, goals, direction and a plan to get there.

My thoughts on Living Forward:

  1. It’s a step by step guide to building a life plan for your personal and business life instead of drifting through your life.
  2. A great read to compete on a vacation or a couple of day sabbatical where you have time to read and reflect on who you are and where you want to go with purpose.
  3. To achieve great things in your life you need a plan and this book gives you the structure and a step by step manual to create this plan for you to achieve great things 

We’re giving away a copy of Living Forward - DM us to be entered to win! Winner will be announced next week!

If you don't win the giveaway, you can purchase a copy of the book HERE.


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