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5 Steps to avoid decision fatigue

Did you know Steve Jobs wore the same thing every day because he wanted to reduce the number of decisions he made in a day?

As business owners, we make decisions all day long. We make them so quickly that we often don’t even realize we are making them. In fact, it's estimated that we make around 35,000 decisions every. single. day. Each decision we make requires time and energy and depletes our willpower. The more decisions you make in a day, the quicker you will end up with decision fatigue.

There are 5 simple steps you can take that will help with this:

  • Reduce the number of decisions you make when you wake up (This is when wearing the same thing, eating the same thing, getting up at the same time can be helpful.)
  • Once you are at work, make your biggest decisions first. 
  • Delegate what you can
  • Simplify your life
  • Create a daily routine. The more regular the routine becomes, the more the day-to-day tasks can be done on autopilot instead of you needing to consciously decide to do them.

Cutting down the number of decisions you make in a day will allow you to save your time and energy for more important things.


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