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Book of the month: Business Made Simple

The book we are recommending this month is written differently than any other business book I have read. Business Made Simple by Donald Miller consists of short, daily readings to be completed over the course of a couple of months.

I love this because it breaks down business concepts into bite size pieces and gives you time to reflect on what you’ve read. Having time to digest one thing at a time makes it easier to see how you can apply the concepts to your business.

It’s the perfect book to read during the busyness of the spring season.

Throughout the book you will be introduced to the nine areas where successful leaders and their businesses excel:

Character: What kind of person succeeds in business?

Leadership: How do you unite a team around a mission?

Personal Productivity: How can you get more done in less time?

Messaging: Why aren't customers paying more attention?

Marketing: How do I build a sales funnel?

Business Strategy: How does a business really work?

Execution: How can we get things done?

Sales: How do I close more sales?

Management: What does a good manager do?

Each day, the short entry you read and the accompanying video (if you choose to watch it), will bring an enormous amount of value to your business. 

This book is a must-read for everyone. Employee, owner, supervisor, student - everyone can learn through the pages of Business Made Simple.

Click HERE to purchase your copy.

Want to win a copy? Email us and tell us about your favourite book and you will be entered into a draw. One winner will be picked next week.


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