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What A-Players are Looking For

Uncategorized May 16, 2022

A-Players. Every employer is asking for them, but what are you doing to attract them? 

There are certain things that A-players are looking for from prospective employers.

8 Things A-Players Want:

  1. To work with other A-Players. Are you willing to make a position available if an A-Player applies for a job at your company?
  2. Accountability. Does your company have accountability and measurement tools to make the company better? 
  3. To know what the long term goals are for the company. Are you sure of your long term goals? Have you shared that with your staff?
  4. To not be part of a stagnant company. Are you evolving and changing? 
  5. The opportunity to grow within the company. What are you doing with your current staff to nurture them in their personal and professional lives?
  6. To not hear phrases like "that's the way we have always done it."
  7. Financial transparency. Business is a game, what are you doing to keep score with your team? 
  8. Owners who are developing themselves. As a leader in your organization, what have you done this past year in the area of self-development? 

If you want some help with the items in this list. book a FREE call. We can put a plan in place to help you attract more A-players. 


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